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Português do Brasil
Português do Brasil
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Everything you need to know to get started with Smartick.
By Elizabeth and 1 other
2 authors
23 articles
About Smartick
How does Smartick work?
How is it different from other methods?
How do I use my Parent Page?
What is the Virtual World and what can students do there?
Who can I contact if I have other questions?
Eliminate and permanently delete a Smartick account
Where can I download the Smartick app?
How do I sign up for a Free Trial?
How do I register my other child for the free trial?
How do I log in?
Can I use Smartick on my phone?
How much does it cost?
How do I subscribe?
Can I receive discounts for recommending Smartick?
Can I give my child a break?
How can I cancel my subscription?
Can I select the exercises my child will work on?
Do they have to do it every day, including weekends and holidays?
Can students work on more than one session a day?
Is there an age limit for Smartick?
What role do I have as a parent?
How can we follow a good routine?
How can I motivate my child?