Can we occasionally help our children?
Elizabeth Jones avatar
Written by Elizabeth Jones
Updated over a week ago

Since Smartick is an adaptive method, any external help may distort the information we collect and place students at an inappropriate level. Thus, we strongly recommend that your children perform their sessions completely unaided.

However, although we encourage independent learning among our students, we also want to highlight the importance of parental involvement. We recommend that our parents review their children's sessions with them, especially the problems they answered incorrectly, through the Parent Page. We also suggest that our parents read the emailed session summaries and notifications we send daily. 

When reviewing your children's sessions with them, you may use the learning resources we offer to help them understand the exercises. The interactive tutorials are freely accessible on both the student's Virtual World and your Parent Page. We also provide other learning resources such as untimed practice exercises and the Smartick blog, which offers thorough posts expounding on different concepts and exercises. 

If your children have been receiving help and their sessions have become too difficult, please contact our Customer Support Team so that we can reassess your children's math level and make the necessary changes. 

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